Friday, August 15, 2008


As Triskelions, we believe in the Words of God combined with our Tenets (principles) and Code of Conduct (behaviors) to keep ourselves in good direction in life. In behalf of all these trials we have wisdom to accept sufferings in a positive outlook to make us strong!

do we ask ourselves—am I having Faith? Am I being a true Triskelion? Here are 7 steps for our enrichment:

1. Desire for Virtue = an ability to produce a definite result.
2. Knowledge = understanding and range of information.
3. Self-Control = control of one's own feelings and behaviors.
4. Endurance = suffer or undergo pain & hardship "as long as life".
5. Godliness = Believed and Trust in God, "TGP ~Trust in God People".
6. Brotherly Affection = with common Interest and aims living with our Tenets and Code of Conduct.
7. Charity = willingness to judge other person's with kindness.



The Triskelion Youth Movement (TYM), since its very inception, has been quite controversial and to say the least, the most misunderstood and even maligned outreach movement of our fraternal organization. Perhaps, a brief yet historical account of its foundation would provide the brods with a positive outlook with
regard to the TYM, the underlying reason for its foundation, its invaluable contribution to the fraternity's survival during the turbulent years of our fraternity's history and its positive role in the TAU GAMMA PHI's pursuit to excellence in the 21st century.

First of all, let me reiterate the TRISKELIONS GRAND FRATERNITY aka
TAU GAMMA PHI's avowed purpose and mission for existence is:" TO

The early years of the organization saw the fraternity being engaged in the pursuit of political excellence in the U.P. campus and was able to elect, among others, the President of Arts and Sciences Student Council (the biggest council in the entire university) twice in a row. Prior to the declaration of martial law in 1972, our
fraternity became embroiled in a series of rumbles against equally young fraternities. After martial law was declared, we were engaged in a 4-year violent struggle against the U.P. Sigma Rho Fraternity, which boasted of Juan Ponce Enrile as a staunch member-supporter and who was then the Secretary of Defense. The struggle eventually ended and we were victorious! Inevitably and ostensibly due to leftist leanings, the fraternity's office was raided under an Arrest-Search
and Seizure order signed by Mr. Enrile, fortunately, no one was at
the office that time.

Thereafter we had a short-lived struggle against the Beta Sigma Fraternity sometime in 1975. 1976 saw the tragic beginning of a bloody and protracted struggle against which admittedly should not have been our enemy but was actually, our strong ally at the Adamson University when we first started a chapter in that area, namely the
Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. It was the opinion by the then Secretary-General at that time, the late Allen Hernandez, that the rumble against the APO fraternity should not have happened. So much so when we suffered our first fatality, Hernando Guevarra of Adamson University, who was killed in an ambush enroute to an S.O.S.
mission, he specifically ordered no physical retaliation to be launched against the APO fraternity. In his words he said "let Nando's death be a lesson to all of us." Essentially, he called for a halt in the hostilities and ordered the brods to go back to school and instead of going to an offensive, just to be on a defensive mode against the enemy. The rumble erupted anew a few weeks later in the University of the Philippines when a certain member, now deceased, of the APO fraternity, the son of the then U.P. president, had a motorcycle accident near the campus, allegedly due to his own fault. For one reason or another, he blamed the U.P. TAU GAMMA PHI as the
culprits and immediately on that same day, they launched an offensive against the U.P. Brods, caught them offguard, mauling a former GT and a Grand Council office. The next day, a 25-strong Tarantula of the U.P. chapter led by no less than Secretary-General Allen Hernandez clashed against a strong 100-men attack-force of the APO fraternity along the corridors of U.P. and in the ensuing melee, one of the frontliners of the APO fraternity, a certain Abad, suffered a mortal stab wound. Coming from a prominent family during the Marcos Era, his death was chronicled almost daily in the major newspapers of the Philippines resulting in a very negative, albeit nationwide publicity of the so-called notoriety of the TAU GAMMA PHI.

Shortly thereafter, Bro Allen accepted gainful employment and stepped down from his position as Gen-Sec and asked me to take over. With rumbles erupting in the different chapters, there was not much choice for me but to accept until the crisis is over. From 1976, the fraternity became engaged in continuing, vicious and bloody rumbles against the APO fraternity. In 1977, with most chapter in rumble
status against them and hearing that they may have sustained a few more fatalities from the many clashes against our Tarantulas, we could not hold a regional convention reasonably anticipating that the APO fraternity will attack us in full force in retaliation. In fact at one time, 13 out of 14 recognized senior chapters of the
fraternity had ongoing rumbles against the same, not to mention the other unrecognized chapters which was also engage in similar rumbles. This were no mere coincidence for we heard from intelligence reports that the order by the national council of the APO fraternity was to totally annihilate our fraternity until we've
wiped out of the campuses. In the meantime, the fighting force of the fraternity dwindled down dramatically every semester, with the brods either going inactive, being sent home to provinces by their parents after learning of their Triskelion affiliation or simply being kicked-out of school for non-attendance due to rumbles. After seeing a mere 150-200 brods attend a regional convention in 1978,
when our fraternity supposed to be numbering approximately 2,000. I exhorted the recruitment of new fighting members as a grave priority. In estimation at the rate the fighting ranks in each chapter were thinning out, from an average of 50-60 each chapter to an average of 25-30 and recruitment of senior brods being very
difficult due to the prevailing rumble conditions, our fraternity's survival is definitely at stake and will be severely prejudiced, perhaps irreparably, in about 2-3 years. The successful revival-recruitment of the junior (high school) ranks starting at San
Sebastian College, supplied much needed muscle in the university belt area struggle but being young and inexperienced and despite heroic hearts, I sadly concluded that they faced an unfair disadvantage against the enemy's overwhelming battle-hardened strike force which seems to be coming from all directions.

In the latter part of 1978, several suggestions were being considered by the GT's, like the Tarantula-Brods dropping from school to fight against APO fraternity on a full time basis or calling on the alumni brods to assist us in the struggle, both of which I disapproved, reasoning that we are primarily students who are in school to graduate but who unfortunately, are entangled in a protracted war and I did not feel right about calling on the alumni brods who are probably striving hard to earn a living to feed their respective families. It was one of these meetings that someone mentioned that some out of school youth were interested to join our fraternity. As the brods debated for the issue and as I pondered about the interesting proposal there was some reservations in my mind about its propriety as the TAU GAMMA PHI has always been a campus-based fraternity and recruiting out-of-school youth may indeed, not be appropriate. However seeing that there was really no existing prohibition against such recruitment, and aptly guided by one of the tenets of the fraternity which states the part that..."from whatever cause man has come into being, for whatever
reason he exists, to whatever purpose he is destined, kin to all living creatures around him, MAN IS BROTHER UNTO MAN..." I proposed the establishment and organization of the out-of-school youth outreach program of the fraternity to be henceforth known as the "TRISKELION YOUTH MOVEMENT (TYM)." I also reasoned that the main reason that many of the Philippine youth are out-of-school is
because their parents simply cannot financially afford to send them
to school and that is no reason for anyone to be refused membership into the TAU GAMMA PHI. If at the same time, these out-of-school youth would incidentally, be able to provide much needed reinforcements to the ongoing struggle, so much the better. If I may so, take a contrary position is simply an elitist attitude which has
no place in a dynamic brotherhood of men such as the TAU GAMMA PHI.

As has always been practice during my term as Secretary-General from 1976-1979, this proposal or any major proposal for that matter, can only be approved by a unanimous vote of the GT's of the recognized chapters present, i.e., each chapter had veto power. As such the brods were enjoined to always attend the meetings, otherwise, they were pre-empted from challenging any decision of the Regional
Council. Incidentally, please note that in all of these regional meetings almost all of these chapters attend each meeting and we always have a quorum, otherwise it was agreed that I will automatically resign from my position as Gen-Sec for lack of self-
confidence. To the best of my recollection, all 14 recognized chapters approved the establishment ot the TYM. We were not able to work out the guidelines except that the TYM Brods who are under the direct supervision of any recognized senior chapter may be recruited by senior or junior brods but can only be initiated within the presence of senior brods to assure the conformity with fraternal initiation rites. As an afterthought, I also had a vision that maybe, eventually the TYM will also play a crucial role in the fraternity's future roles as grassroots political machinery since we
already had a foretaste of the political arena in Assemblyman's Alinca's campaign. In addition, I envisioned the TYM community chapter to play a key role in the fraternity's civic action projects not only in Metro Manila but in the entire archipelago as soon as peaceful co-existence can be established with our rival

With the continuous influx of fresh members from the TYM sector, the war against the APO fraternity started to go in our favor and the survival of the fraternity was no longer at stake. The crisis was over. I decided not to run for another term as Secretary-General and relinquished the position to Bro. Jay de Castro whom I advise to put guidelines to the growing TYM ranks to assure control and direction, unfortunately, no guidelines were ever put into place and it is well known to many officers of the regional council that one or two of our founding fathers, particularly Bro. Rod Confessor and lately Bro. Roy Ordinario do not totally approve of the rationale or the establishment of the TYM. Sadly, I was not able to be physically
present to fight for the TYM's welfare as I had to leave for the United States sometime in 1981. The TYM eventually developed into a community-based recruiting not only out-of-school youth but full time students as well, from the most impoverished areas of Tondo to the most affluent Dasmarinas Village and from the provinces of Aparri to the remote areas of Jolo. It is worthy to note and to the
best of my knowledge, the TYM ranks boasts of an incumbent congressman from Batangas, a practicing doctor from Texas, U.S.A., and many other professionals in the Philippine society.

Perhaps, this detailed insight as to the foundation of the TYM will enable the brods to decide for themselves whether this momentous decision on my part was the right one or not. As for me Bro. Tito Venida, who is the real brains behind the formulation of the TAU GAMMA PHI, as well as many dedicated brods in the United States, we
will always be behind the TRISKELION YOUTH MOVEMENT (TYM) and are ready, willing and able to lead them and whoever is interested among the brods, alumni, seniors and juniors alike, towards the great challenge awaiting us in the 21st century.





Tau Gamma Phi-Tau Gamma Sigma
Triskelion Grand Fraternity-Triskelion Grand Sorority
Metro Manila Barkada 70
Triskelion Clan

Cyber Code Circular No.______________

“An Act Providing a Rules and Regulation for more efficient Triskelion Clan”

Section 1.Title- This shall be known as the By laws and parameters of Triskelion clan also known as “Rules and Regulations of Triskelion Clan.”

Section 2. Definition of Terms-

(A) “Chat Room Rules”- All members and Officers shall obey all the rules and regulation of the chat room. And must maintain the peace and order for the Triskelion clan.
(B) “Membership”- All Triskelion that wants to become the part of the clan must undergo an initial screening by the officer or representatives of the clan. Although all Triskelion are welcome to be a part of the clan we must confirm if that certain person is a real member of our beloved fraternity or sorority.
(C) “Requirements”- All Triskelion that passed the screening will ask some vital question regarding fraternal background or any other requirement that be needed to confirm the personal details of a certain Triskelion.
Section 3. Purposes- This Triskelion Clan is organized to be the center of information of al brothers and sister around the world.

Section 4. This Triskelion Clan is not involved in any fraternal factions or partisan to any fraternal organizational structure.

Section 5. This Triskelion Clan are independent and must enjoy the full autonomy between the 2 major faction of the fraternity which is the Triskelion Global Coordinating Council (TGCC) and National Executive Council and all of the there counter parts.

Section 6. This Triskelion Clan envisions being the key for the re-uniting of the two major factions of our beloved fraternity and stand as neutral in any issues.

Section 7. This Triskelion Clan responsibility to inform all the brothers and sisters in any matter that consider vital concern of our fraternity thru chat, forums or any device provided that the information is need to know by our fellow Triskelions. All the information that will going to inform to all member of this clan must confirm by the official of the clan, before the clan post or inform the members.

Section 8. This Triskelion Clan composed of different Triskelion Chapter or Council and different category such as:
(A) Senior Based Chapter- This Chapter is located mostly in colleges of universities in the Philippines recognized by National Executive Council or Triskelion Global Coordinating Council.
(B) Community Based Chapter- this Chapter is located around the Philippines. That recognized by the counter parts of National Executive Council or Triskelion Global Coordinating Council.
(C) Alumni or Proffesional Group- This Chapters or group consist of all the professional brothers and sisters like:
8.1 Triskelion Order of Law
8.2 Triskelion Order of Medicine
8.3 Order or the Triskelion of Quezon City Hall
8.4 Triskeliomn Order of Bartenders
8.5 Triskelion Law Enforcer Group (TRILEG)
8.6 Triskelion Alumni Association (TAO)
Section 9. No Individuals can be a member of this Triskelion Clan. Whether they are relatives, friends of our fellow Triskelions.

Section 10. The Member of the Triskelion Clan must be respected and recognized in all aspect regardless of their position in our fraternity as well as their political, race, creed, religion status. This is also defined by the tenets and codes of conduct tenets number 3. “Degustibus non Depustandum Est.”

Section 11.This Triskelion Clan must stand for the basic fundamentals of our fraternity and sorority which is the following

• Tenets and codes of Conduct
• Principles
• Vision and Mission

Section 12. This Triskelion Clan is created to build a more lasting brotherhood and sisterhood regardless of their category, status, and levels.

Section 13. This Triskelion Clan must take an active part to reunite the 2 major factions and for more betterment of our fraternity.

Section 14. This Triskelion Clan must give a good example for other Triskelions that may new in our brotherhood and sisterhood. Also we must teach them the Triskelion Way of Life.

Section 15. In order to become systematic and harmonious interactions of all Triskelion, we should apply proper words and avoid profanity that may offend our fellow Triskelion. And govern all times the official of the clan and chat room.

Section 16. Duties And Responsibilities- It shall be the duty of all the members and officers of the clan to maintain the peace and order among its member.

Section 17. It shall be the duty of all the members and officers of the clan to make a good example in our fellow Triskelion.
Section 18. It shall be the duty of all the members and officers of the clan to avoid misinterpretations and misunderstanding among its members.

Section 19. All members and officers f the clan must actively participate in all gatherings, meeting, and forums of the clan.

Section 20. Separability Clause- If, for any reason, any provision of this code is declared invalid, unconstitutional or contrary in our tenets and codes. The other section in this provisions not so declared, shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 21. Effectivity Clause- This code shall take effect this day of month year of our Lord 2008.

Section 22. Enacted by the Triskelion Clan at its General Assembly held in location this day of month year of our lord 2008.

Approved by his honor, President of Triskelion Clan.


____________________(Sgd) __________________(Sgd)
President Vice-President
Triskelion Clan Triskelion Clan
Triskelion Clan


Triskelion Clan

Triskelion Clan

Principal Author:
Marc King “Silver” San Felipe (Sgd)
Ilaya Chapter 03’, Plp (Pasay) 05’

This is certify that this clan is not involved in any factions of our fraternity and sorority and must enjoy independent autonomy and this clan stands for the betterment of Tau Gamma Phi- Tau Gamma Sigma. However we envision that this clan may use as the bridge for the reunitingof our beloved Fraternity.

To God Be The Glory.

Marc King “Silver” San Felipe, MDG
Ilaya Chapter 03’, Plp (Pasay) 05’


I hope it Work for the betterment of TRIKELIONISM

U.P. Tau Gamma Sigma Revival

Tau Gamma Sigma

Written by Karina Nicolas-Hernandez

It was during my Asian Civilization class at the U.P. PHAn that I received a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates from someone anonymous one late afternoon. I was intrigued. What made it even more intriguing was the short and scrawny messenger patiently waiting for me outside my classroom. He was polite and friendly, but I found him to be a bit too fast and presumptuous when he started to ask me all kinds of questions and refused to answer mine. I would later get to know him as Loy Loyola, my ardent sponsor and supporter to the Tau Gamma Sigma.

That afternoon became the first day of the rest of my life. I found myself being convinced to join and, before I knew it, initiated for the first batch of the Tau Gamma Sigma which eventually became the counterpart of the infamous Tau Gamma Phi in Diliman.

I was one of the girls initiated for the batch Merganser. Initiation Day was everything I expected it to be, a challenging day of physical, mental and emotional competence. But, I later realized that you can never be too prepared for “the day”. All neophytes, the term used for new recruits, were tested, challenged, even humiliated at times. It was a humbling and learning experience for me because it was then that I realized how much passion and determination can actually be drawn out of me when my heart is into something. I had to let go of all inhibitions and made the resolve to be part of this organization despite the pain I felt from kneeling on monggo beans and the “spit” we were made to gulp down blindfolded. I would later find out that we actually swallowed egg whites. Thank God for that! If SARS or meningococcemia were existent then, I probably would have had second thoughts about joining the sorority. Kidding aside, imagine the relief and excitement we all felt when we were finally accepted as “Sis”. What made this feat even sweeter for me was that I eventually became the first Grand Lady Triskelion with my primary focus on the recruitment of more members. This would result to the institutionalization of the Tau Gamma Sigma.

One of the fondest memories that I treasure from being part of this organization is that I got to develop friendships with all sorts of personalities from all walks of life. This was a far cry from the social environment that I always knew to be too controlled and superficial. Engrained in fraternity-sorority life was the spirit of “family”. We were allowed to be different, but, just the same, everyone was accepted. When one was in need, all were prepared to share, support, and protect. When one was wanting, everyone was there to affirm, praise and encourage. For worthy causes, we were ready to serve, work and cooperate with one another. I feared the “tussles and tumbles” of rumbles. But, it was then that I witnessed the determination of the “Brods” to pursue justice and fairness at all cause. I even got an unexpected bonus from joining the “family”, that is, finding my lifetime partner, Mike Hernandez.

My prayer for all of you, my “Brods” and “Sis”, is that, whatever and wherever you may find yourselves at the moment, you will continue to pursue Godliness, righteousness and justice in your homes and workplaces. Continue to bring honor to the name of our fraternity and sorority as pay back for how they have been “home” to us for many years.

As I wrote this article, I delighted from the sweet reminiscences of my involvement in Tau Gamma Sigma. Thanks to Brod Jun Zamora for the prodding and persistent follow-ups of this article! I felt your seriousness in putting this website together, hence, I apologize for the delay. I do hope it brings justice to the noble purposes of how and why we came to exist in the first place. Mabuhay ang Tau Gamma Phi and Sigma!

Reflection of FF ROD

Dear Brods:

Congratulations to all on our 39th Founding Anniversary!

We’ve surely come a long way and though the drive has been somewhat bumpy, it was to a great extent, a terrific and exciting journey. I will try (and hopefully succeed) to provide you with the requested snippets of anecdotes about those early days leading to the foundation of the frat. However, digging through one’s memories, particularly when we’re talking of 39 long years, will always be an effort of sorts. Searching for those vivid images, adjusting the focus for some that appear murky, and discarding those that trigger unpleasant feelings while trying, at the same time, to render unbiased, accurate accounts, can be a challenging chore.

I can only hope that my memory serves me right.

“those intervening years before the foundation”

We all met during our sophomore year in the university. Classmates in a few general curriculum courses as well as in some political science subjects, we were drawn together by our common interests in political theory and philosophy and the intense desire to make a mark in this vast academic community called UP.

We would often spend hours, in various spots all over campus, but often on the lawn area outside the main library arguing and debating endlessly over theories of Machiavelli , Aristotle, Calvin, Aquinas or some forgotten philosopher. Mind you, we were not intellectuals, just a bunch of guys fascinated by what countries and people do that eventually shaped this world.

We came from different backgrounds. Resty (Alfonso), Tito , and myself were Manila bred guys while Talek, Roy, and Romy (Fortes) came from Midsayap, Cotabato, Cardona, Rizal and Irosin, Sorsogon, respectively. All of us, I believe entered the university as entrance scholars- the first and the last time any of us earned that distinction.

It was a strong bond of friendship that over time extended to something more concrete, acquiring a sense of purpose and mission that needed to be expressed.

“the Political Science Club-the nucleus”

By our 3rd year, we became part of a bigger group of political science majors that included most of the Founders Batch and the future founders of Tau Gamma Sigma. It was an expanded social circle of friends and acquaintances, mostly classmates, who met quite regularly and frequently. Some of the senior members of the group were already part of the Political Science Club - one of the biggest (numbering more than a hundred members) and certainly one of the most influential student organization in Diliman during our time. We were invited to join the club and join we did.

Political Science is considered the best preparatory course for law and the club was populated by members whose ultimate goal was to be a member of the bar. Naturally, it was ruled by members of the law fraternities, which at that time was composed of Sigma Rho, Alpha Phi Beta, and Scintilla Juris. There was a smattering of Upsilonians but majority of the fratmen and sorority women came from the aforementioned groups.

The” Poli Sci Club” was also a rich fishing ground for recruits. As such, we were approached either individually or as a group by all of them. It was a struggle not to yield

to the promise of lifelong camaraderie and years of “pleasant existence” in the College of Law ( and within the university itself) that was being offered by each.

None of us were convinced, though tempted, to give in to the pressures. We refused to lose our identity nor give up what we started together.

We knew what we wanted. We will build a new brotherhood - an organization founded on a new set of ideals, democratic in practice, liberal in thinking, distinct but not elitist in its perspective, rich in diversity, and most of all open and tolerant in its views.

It was our turn to do the fishing inside this big pond called the Political Science Club.

“the founding years”

Establishing the frat was, for most of us, a work in progress. The first two years were the hardest. Designing the framework, defining the standards, and building the structure took a toll on everyone. Day after day we would meet to continue where we left off. Weekends were spent updating each other on the progress of individual assignments and consolidating inputs. Talek’s dorm room and Romy’s apartment somewhere in Anonas were turned into work shops cum sleeping quarters.

From among the group, it was Resty Alfonso who took on the task of working on the framework and standards that will ultimately define the organization. His keen mind and sharp intellect made him the most suited for this role. Who and what we are, as well as what we stand for, are, to my opinion the most critical questions that needed to be answered. Finding the answers was not easy. Ideas were flowing freely from everyone but concretizing them to form a solid whole, linking each one into a coherent, relevant , meaningful concept, while making sure that they collectively represent our deepest aspirations, was the real challenge.

While Resty was neck deep in research, Talek, Roy, Romy, Tito, and myself were working feverishly to attend to the details of organizing. The design of recruitment procedures, membership guidelines, initiation and indoctrination processes as well as rituals made our heads spin. The organizational structure from the head of the frat down to the lowest ranking officer had to conform to the overall scheme of things. The devil is in the details, so the saying goes, and for all of us it seemed like we would spend eternity figuring how to make sense of everything.

After months of research and countless meetings, Resty finally presented to us his opus- The Tenets and the Code of Conduct. It was then, and still is now, a superbly written doctrine that defines with utter simplicity and yet profoundly deep in meaning and value what to us was the proper representation of true brotherhood.

He also introduced to us the Triskelion - a figure that showed three running legs radiating and connected from a common center, which is symbolic of all the dynamic forces in physics and from an Asian standpoint, a symbol that represents the three aspects of dependent relationships which give existence to all functioning things. It was both a fitting symbol and portrayal of our philosophy-encompassing the entire spectrum of our beliefs and ideology. Soon after, it was adopted unanimously by all six of us as our seal and emblem.

“a rose by any other name….”

Adopting a name for the frat was the subject of much discussion. We initially took the position that we should use a non-Greek letter name as one way of signaling our departure from the system. From among the many suggestions given, we somehow leaned towards the name Fraternal Order of the Triskelions. However, during the last stage of our preparations, we realized that it was to our best interest that we take the Greek letter route as it was a more acceptable proposition from the perspective of recruitment. Furthermore, we also wanted to avoid being perceived as a mere honor society or be ranked a notch lower than the established frats.

As a compromise, we decided to favor the name Triskelions’ Grand Fraternity and adopted the Greek letter initials Tau Gamma Phi.

“the founding batch”

By the latter part of the second semester, we were ready to begin active recruitment. We were able to secure pledges of willingness to join from a few close friends but we needed more recruits to reach the number required by the university for a student organization. Thus, we decided to begin selection from a short list of names, ranking the individuals on the basis of their commitment levels, strength of character, potential contribution to the frat and leadership skills. Allow me to name a few brods from the Founders Batch whose significant contributions paved the way towards the fulfillment of our ideals:

1. Rolando “Rolly” Bayan- strong in academics, highly analytical, we sought his counsel during critical times, a real devil’s advocate during important discussions, and an excellent political strategist/ ( Rolly graduated with Political Science degree as well as an LLB from the UP College of Law, became a ranking legal officer in the Office of the President of the Philippines until his brutal murder in the late eighties in his residence along with his wife. The case remains unsolved up to this day.)
2. Gerardo “Gerry“ Dacanay- highly principled, strong convictions, good leadership skills, an implementor ( Gerry eventually became the third GT, a philosopher-warrior, it was during his watch when the first major conflict with Kappa Epsilon occurred . (He graduated with a Political Science Degree, reportedly went abroad soon after. His present location is unknown to me.)
3. Cesar “Cid” Diomampo – a born leader, highly organized, became Corps Commander of the UP ROTC (a position whose campus stature was equivalent to the UP Student Council President) assumed the GT position right after Gerry, credited for putting a more regimented approach to organizational discipline, it was during his administration when the frat mounted its first major political campaign in UP- the KAKASA party with Rene Guioguio as standard bearer for AS Council President, it was also the first time that we were recognized as a political force in Diliman ( he graduated with a Political Science degree, a successful businessman, Cid is still very active in frat affairs as Treasurer of the Alumni Association)
4. Alvin DeVeza- an active and reliable organizer, an all around guy and an excellent propagandist, often called” Mr.Newsman”- he is a one man information machine providing the frat the much needed intelligence data during the turbulent period (Alvin graduated with a Political Science degree, worked in Congress and taught in a Metro Manila school, he died a few years ago)

And of course, one should not forget the others whose counsel we sought often during the formative years- Benjamin ( “Benjie “) Tagayuna, a long time member of the Congressional Office, House of Representatives, and The Fajayan twins , a successful doctor and a lawyer. Eduardo (Ed”) Conde, who became a accomplished banker and whose whereabouts remain unknown, stayed largely in- active during most of the period due to pressure of studies. [Rod forgot to mention Jesus Rodriguez, Jr.]

I could go on and on but there are so many events, highlights, and milestones to consider and it would probably require me to take a sabbatical just to reflect and sort out those memories. Obviously the expulsion of the two founding fathers from the organization deserves serious thought and recollection. However, the memories of those times were quite painful to recall considering that it serves no purpose except to define historical perspective and extract one bitter lesson: no one, regardless of contribution, stature, and or role in its success, is bigger than the organization itself. The life and success of the fraternity move on its momentum derived mainly from the collective efforts of its members. It thus becomes imperative for the incumbent leadership to provide the direction necessary in order to harness this collective effort towards the greater good of all its members and the organization, devoid of selfish motives and personal aspirations.

My best wishes to everyone. Happy 39 years!

In the spirit of the Triskelion,

Rod ‘68



Principles of the TGP Inner Fortis Explained

We the members of the Triskelion’s Grand Fraternity otherwise known as the Tau Gamma Phi, in our pursuit of tranquility, fulfillment of our hopes and aspirations, and profession of our unity do hereby declare and live by these principles:

Principle I: Self sacrifice. A Triskelion shall put the well being of other Triskelions before his.

Explanation: Explains itself. But in addition, if you join Tau Gamma, be prepared to give time, effort and money for free. Expect nothing is return.

Principle II: A Triskelion means love of God and Country.

Explanation: When you excel, you become a reflection of the Supreme Being. When you excel, it is for the betterment of the Philippines, it’s people, the Filipino people.

Principle III : Education. A Triskelion sees education as the currency to success. Knowledge is power.

Explanation: Means go to school, get an education. Education includes trade, vocational, college.. If you cannot do one, attend a seminar. The more educated you become the more influential you become. (If you still can’t get an education thorugh seminars, join the Army. In the army, you don’t have to think and still get paid.)

Principle IV: Triskelion hates a drug dealer, the ultimate criminal of society.

Explanation: Drugs is the poison of society. It destroys the future of the Philippines. A Triskelion hates a drug dealer.

Principle V: The Focused Mind: A Triskelion knows what he wants and gets what he wants from other people.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion is goal oriented. He sets his mind on his goal and puts a 100% effort to get that goal.

Principle VI: Finances. A Triskelion is shrewd in money. He is honest, calculating, manipulative in business, property, occupation, money with respect to other people. Keeps tab to the last cent.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion is a wise investor and a good businessman. He’s a hustler with regards to money. He maintains good accounting records so he knows where he stands financially. Manipulative: Means he changes situations to his advantage.

Principle VII: A Triskelion shall willfully remit what he/she can afford to the Tau Gamma Treasury.
Explanation: All organizations need money to maintain it’s administrative functions, finance it’s projects, give support to Triskelions in trouble.

Principle VIII : Pain. A Triskelion can endure excessive physical pain. It’s his mind over his physical body.

Explanation: Literally means what it says.

Principle IX: A Triskelion is a family man. He takes care of his family.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion provides food, housing and education to his family. If he has more than one family, he has to provide the same for all of them. It also means providing love to his family like dating his partner in life, taking her out to movies, taking kids to basketball, etc. For a young Triskelion, that means respecting your parents like being polite to them, helping in the house, does his homework, etc.

Principle X: Physical Fitness: A Triskelion takes care of his physical body and his looks.

Explanation: Means we must not be fat so we can avoid diabetes, high blood, heart attacks. A Triskelion has a body like Arnold Swazenhager. That’s his ideal build. As for Looks dapat laging nag-papa-pogi. Follow the TGP Dress Codes. It will make you look sharp and feel good about yourself. This is why there are no ugly Triskelions.

Principle XI: A Triskelion is a hard-working tenacious competitor.

Explanation: This is a literal meaning. A Triskelion never easily gives up but has the judgement to know when to cut his loses. He knows how to re-group and look into himself and come up with better ways to approach problems. He is also a risk taker but avoids un-necessary risk.

Principle XII: Remembrance. November 1 is a Triskelion Holy Day. Remember the fallen and those who gently passed away. No drinking. No smoking. No fighting for this special day.

Explanation: Self explanatory.

Principle XIII: For a Triskelion, everyday is a recruitment day.

Explanation: Our population should always go up. Recruitment is a never ending thing in Tau Gamma. We’ll suffocate the Philippines with Brods and Sis. During political elections, the winner will be a Triskelion as the people, who are all Triskelions, voted one of their own brod/sis.

Principle XIV: The Tau Gamma Phi demands the best of every Triskelion in his field of interest and endeavor and accepts nothing less.

Explanation: Means what it says plus if you do a half-hearted work, you are just fooling yourself.

Principle XV: Every Triskelion deserves the respect of other Triskelions. It is a right.

Explanation: Acceptance into the Order of Triskelions is an accomplishment. Members shall respect you because you are a Triskelion. But the more respect shall you get if have Transformed, the final metamorphosis which is achieved by one’s self acceptance of the Tau Gamma Inner Fortis.

Principle XVI: A Triskelion shall use other people’s money to further his agenda. But he pays back what he borrows.

Explanation: Borrowing other people’s money and investing it wisely is a multiplier of your financial capacity. Pay back what you owe so the money will be there the next time you need it.

Principle XVII: Delegation. A Triskelion shall use other people to further his agenda. This is includes hiring, influencing, delegating other people to attain your goal.

Explanation: Get other people to supplement the skills you do not have. Surround yourself with specialists. A Triskelion is the brain, the one who determines what is to be done and tells it to his subordinates, his appendages. A Triskelion is the employer, not the employee. He is the landlord, not the renter. He is the Congressman, not the assistant of some lousy congressman.

Principle XVIII : A Triskelion shall communicate, coordinate, join forces with other Triskelions and Triskelion entities to achieve Article XXVI, it’s ultimate goal.

Explanation: Before school, in school, after school , or out of school, report to TGP groups,chapters, Councils, or TGP yahoo groups. Tau Gamma is a Triskelions’ resource. It is his first and reliable network. It is his safety net.

Principle XIX: Differences. At the end of the day, all Triskelions all over the world stand
united. Triskelions do not fight other Triskelions.

Explanation: Means what it says. Ideas and proposals shall be debated, challenged for the good of the Frat. And what is good for the Frat should always prevail. After the fire, comes the gold and we forget the arguments and be brothers united.

Principle XX: A Triskelion helps another Triskelion in need and expects nothing back.

Explanation: A Triskelion helps a brod in need and when that brod in need overcomes his problem, he will help other brods in the same situation he was originally in. And this should be in the spirit of the Frat as we are Brothers.

Principle XXI: A Triskelion learns from his mistakes and he never commit it twice.

Explanation: A mistake is a learning experience for a Triskelion. When he is down, he never panics, whine, complaint, and blames other people. But rather, he picks himself up, Thinks, and gets back to work as if nothing happened.

Principle XXII: A Triskelion is like chess player, he’s three steps ahead.

Explanation: Planning is the first step in achieving your goal. A Triskelion writes what we wants to accomplish and develops long term and short term strategies to reach that goal.. A Triskelion is both a thinker and a doer, a strategist and an excellent tactician.

Principle XXIII A Triskelion prays at least once a day.

Explanation: Pray to whoever god you want to pray. TGP believes in the existence of a Supreme Being but is not a religion.

Principle XXIV : A Triskelion should amass Wealth. It’s a virtue.

Explanation: Self-explanatory. No Triskelion is poor. He’s not lazy. He’s not a helpless cry baby nor a hopeless pessimist but rather an optimist and makes the best use of what he has.

Principle XXV: A Triskelion is a warrior.

Principle XXVI: Triskelion’s Goal: World domination through Excellence.

(We’ll rule the world.)

With the help of God, we live by these values.

Forged: July 4, 2008
Boston, Massachusetts Rolly Zamora Batch Merlin-1976 UP Diliman


We decide, we know the right to wrong
and life is a matter of choice. When you think that you can you're right.
And If you think that you cannot you're also right.

ILAYA CHAPTER 03'-PLP (Pasay) 05'

Tau Gamma Phi- Ilaya Chapter (Imus Council)

DAY YOUTH SEMINAR on Drug Free Prevention and Pure Love Lecture

APRIL 11, 2008, 1PM to 5PM, was the date and time to remember. 74 participants from the youth sector (particularly from Tau Gamma Phi), Brgy. Councilors, SK and leaders from different Homeowner’s Association in Brgy. Molino IV came to listen and learn from this half day youth seminar on Drug Free Prevention and Pure Love Lecture at the Clubhouse of Citihomes Subdivision, Molino IV, Bacoor, Cavite, with the overall theme, “Institutionalizing the Culture of Heart on Leadership towards Unity, Peace and Solidarity.”

This youth seminar was initiated due to the concern of the President of Citihomes Homeowners Association, Inc. (CHAI), Mr. Rogelio “Bong” Agawin, for the youth particularly of this subdivision. He has lots of plans for the betterment of this place and his hope is leaning more on the youth. However, just like in any other places, common problems such as drugs, alcohol, immoralities, etc are existing in this place. This was then an opportunity for us to present our alternative approach of informing and educating not only the youth but as well as the Brgy. Officials and leaders of some organizations in our Barangay, of such important issues based on our guiding Principles. In his acceptance of our proposal, he suggested us to bring this peace project to the Barangay Molino IV, particularly to the attention of Councilor Jeffrey P. Campaña, the youngest Councilor of this Brgy. and thus responsible for their youth programs and activities.

Driven by the same mission to build a better society and bright future for our youth, the three of us came together to discuss our hopes and ideals as we wish to help and give our moral support especially to the needy ones like some of the youth, if not all, who are in danger of being overcome by the danger of drugs, alcohol and immoralities causing so much disruption in our peaceful loving society.

Together with the support of some of the key persons in our province, barangay and peace movement, this youth seminar materialized and ended up successfully. Allow me to present to you the names of our benevolent supporters and contributors:

DR. FEDERICO V. NIDUASA = SPEAKER on Drug Free Prevention with the theme, “Institutionalizing the Culture of Heart in a Drug Free Society". He is the President of International Research Center for Global Peace and Harmony, Inc.

DIR. JELLY TORRES-ALEGRE = SPEAKER on Pure Love Lecture with the theme, “Institutionalizing the Culture of Heart in Leadership”. She is the Regional Director of UPF / YFWP CALABARZON area.

MRS. MAY SATO = Vice President for Operations, Youth Federation for World Peace. Presented the history, programs and activities of the YFWP to the participants, particularly the Youth Ambassadors.

GOV. AYONG MALIKSI = Cavite Provincial Governor, is one of our donors.

VICE GOV. DENCITO “OSBOY” CAMPAÑA = Cavite Provincial Vice Gov., Inspirational Speaker but his message was given by Counc. Jeffrey Campaña on his behalf. He is also one of our donors.

HON. RIZALDY S. REMULLA = Brgy. Chairman of Molino IV. Welcomed the speakers, participants, organizers and staff.

HON. ANDOY REMULLA = Bacoor Municipal Councilor. Closing remarks but was given by his daughter, Ma. Kristina Remulla, SK Chairperson of Brgy. Molino IV. He provided snacks for the participants.

COUNC. JEFFREY P. CAMPAÑA = of Brgy. Molino IV. Co-organizer, donor and responsible for inviting most of the participants.

MR. ROGELIO “BONG” AGAWIN = President of Citihomes Homeowners Association, Inc. Co-organizer, donor and responsible for inviting participants.

MA. KRISTINA S. REMULLA = SK Chairperson, Brgy. Molino IV, invited the SK members.

BARANGAY MOLINO IV, BACOOR = Provided the sound system

CITIHOMES HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION = Provided the venue and other needs

MS. SIONY DALDE = UPF Thailand. Sponsored the Tarpaulin and other needs.

DASMA CENTER = Sponsored the handouts of Pure Love Lecture and gave moral support

TRECE CENTER = moral support and inspirations

BACOOR CENTER = Main -organizer, donor and provided the two Lecturers.



INT’L ELECTRONICS & TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, INC. (IETI) Las Piñas branch = headed by their School Director, Mr. Joseph Peter A. Gacho, Jr. His student volunteers are:

Rodel P. Salvador Jason Q. Maximo

Jerome F. Esmaña Naveric Jhon Gasataya

Francis B. Macaambac Erwin Raygan L. Matriano

MALAGUIHAY KARAKOL DANCE GROUP Panapaan IV, Bacoor = Mrs. Luzviminda Malubay (PMC) and Mrs. Salome Magdael (PMC). Registration

MRS. YOLANDA MAGANA = Bacoor member. Invocation and registration

JULIUS ESCLETO = Bacoor member. Performed a TIMD Demonstration


And last but not the least

ALL BACOOR MEMBERS from Imus-Bacoor-Las Piñas Cluster. Thank you for your untiring support and prayers for the success of God’s Providence in our area of responsibilities.


To view more photos, please click the link below. Thanks.



Bacoor Center

Peace Kingdom Be With Us All!!!

To my Fellow Triskelions in ILAYA CHAPTER under hte jurisdiction of TRISKELION COUNCIL of IMUS CAVITE. Keep up the GOODWORK!!!

ILAYA CHAPTER 03'-PLP (Pasay) 05'