Friday, August 15, 2008

Principles of the TGP Inner Fortis Explained

We the members of the Triskelion’s Grand Fraternity otherwise known as the Tau Gamma Phi, in our pursuit of tranquility, fulfillment of our hopes and aspirations, and profession of our unity do hereby declare and live by these principles:

Principle I: Self sacrifice. A Triskelion shall put the well being of other Triskelions before his.

Explanation: Explains itself. But in addition, if you join Tau Gamma, be prepared to give time, effort and money for free. Expect nothing is return.

Principle II: A Triskelion means love of God and Country.

Explanation: When you excel, you become a reflection of the Supreme Being. When you excel, it is for the betterment of the Philippines, it’s people, the Filipino people.

Principle III : Education. A Triskelion sees education as the currency to success. Knowledge is power.

Explanation: Means go to school, get an education. Education includes trade, vocational, college.. If you cannot do one, attend a seminar. The more educated you become the more influential you become. (If you still can’t get an education thorugh seminars, join the Army. In the army, you don’t have to think and still get paid.)

Principle IV: Triskelion hates a drug dealer, the ultimate criminal of society.

Explanation: Drugs is the poison of society. It destroys the future of the Philippines. A Triskelion hates a drug dealer.

Principle V: The Focused Mind: A Triskelion knows what he wants and gets what he wants from other people.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion is goal oriented. He sets his mind on his goal and puts a 100% effort to get that goal.

Principle VI: Finances. A Triskelion is shrewd in money. He is honest, calculating, manipulative in business, property, occupation, money with respect to other people. Keeps tab to the last cent.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion is a wise investor and a good businessman. He’s a hustler with regards to money. He maintains good accounting records so he knows where he stands financially. Manipulative: Means he changes situations to his advantage.

Principle VII: A Triskelion shall willfully remit what he/she can afford to the Tau Gamma Treasury.
Explanation: All organizations need money to maintain it’s administrative functions, finance it’s projects, give support to Triskelions in trouble.

Principle VIII : Pain. A Triskelion can endure excessive physical pain. It’s his mind over his physical body.

Explanation: Literally means what it says.

Principle IX: A Triskelion is a family man. He takes care of his family.

Explanation: Means a Triskelion provides food, housing and education to his family. If he has more than one family, he has to provide the same for all of them. It also means providing love to his family like dating his partner in life, taking her out to movies, taking kids to basketball, etc. For a young Triskelion, that means respecting your parents like being polite to them, helping in the house, does his homework, etc.

Principle X: Physical Fitness: A Triskelion takes care of his physical body and his looks.

Explanation: Means we must not be fat so we can avoid diabetes, high blood, heart attacks. A Triskelion has a body like Arnold Swazenhager. That’s his ideal build. As for Looks dapat laging nag-papa-pogi. Follow the TGP Dress Codes. It will make you look sharp and feel good about yourself. This is why there are no ugly Triskelions.

Principle XI: A Triskelion is a hard-working tenacious competitor.

Explanation: This is a literal meaning. A Triskelion never easily gives up but has the judgement to know when to cut his loses. He knows how to re-group and look into himself and come up with better ways to approach problems. He is also a risk taker but avoids un-necessary risk.

Principle XII: Remembrance. November 1 is a Triskelion Holy Day. Remember the fallen and those who gently passed away. No drinking. No smoking. No fighting for this special day.

Explanation: Self explanatory.

Principle XIII: For a Triskelion, everyday is a recruitment day.

Explanation: Our population should always go up. Recruitment is a never ending thing in Tau Gamma. We’ll suffocate the Philippines with Brods and Sis. During political elections, the winner will be a Triskelion as the people, who are all Triskelions, voted one of their own brod/sis.

Principle XIV: The Tau Gamma Phi demands the best of every Triskelion in his field of interest and endeavor and accepts nothing less.

Explanation: Means what it says plus if you do a half-hearted work, you are just fooling yourself.

Principle XV: Every Triskelion deserves the respect of other Triskelions. It is a right.

Explanation: Acceptance into the Order of Triskelions is an accomplishment. Members shall respect you because you are a Triskelion. But the more respect shall you get if have Transformed, the final metamorphosis which is achieved by one’s self acceptance of the Tau Gamma Inner Fortis.

Principle XVI: A Triskelion shall use other people’s money to further his agenda. But he pays back what he borrows.

Explanation: Borrowing other people’s money and investing it wisely is a multiplier of your financial capacity. Pay back what you owe so the money will be there the next time you need it.

Principle XVII: Delegation. A Triskelion shall use other people to further his agenda. This is includes hiring, influencing, delegating other people to attain your goal.

Explanation: Get other people to supplement the skills you do not have. Surround yourself with specialists. A Triskelion is the brain, the one who determines what is to be done and tells it to his subordinates, his appendages. A Triskelion is the employer, not the employee. He is the landlord, not the renter. He is the Congressman, not the assistant of some lousy congressman.

Principle XVIII : A Triskelion shall communicate, coordinate, join forces with other Triskelions and Triskelion entities to achieve Article XXVI, it’s ultimate goal.

Explanation: Before school, in school, after school , or out of school, report to TGP groups,chapters, Councils, or TGP yahoo groups. Tau Gamma is a Triskelions’ resource. It is his first and reliable network. It is his safety net.

Principle XIX: Differences. At the end of the day, all Triskelions all over the world stand
united. Triskelions do not fight other Triskelions.

Explanation: Means what it says. Ideas and proposals shall be debated, challenged for the good of the Frat. And what is good for the Frat should always prevail. After the fire, comes the gold and we forget the arguments and be brothers united.

Principle XX: A Triskelion helps another Triskelion in need and expects nothing back.

Explanation: A Triskelion helps a brod in need and when that brod in need overcomes his problem, he will help other brods in the same situation he was originally in. And this should be in the spirit of the Frat as we are Brothers.

Principle XXI: A Triskelion learns from his mistakes and he never commit it twice.

Explanation: A mistake is a learning experience for a Triskelion. When he is down, he never panics, whine, complaint, and blames other people. But rather, he picks himself up, Thinks, and gets back to work as if nothing happened.

Principle XXII: A Triskelion is like chess player, he’s three steps ahead.

Explanation: Planning is the first step in achieving your goal. A Triskelion writes what we wants to accomplish and develops long term and short term strategies to reach that goal.. A Triskelion is both a thinker and a doer, a strategist and an excellent tactician.

Principle XXIII A Triskelion prays at least once a day.

Explanation: Pray to whoever god you want to pray. TGP believes in the existence of a Supreme Being but is not a religion.

Principle XXIV : A Triskelion should amass Wealth. It’s a virtue.

Explanation: Self-explanatory. No Triskelion is poor. He’s not lazy. He’s not a helpless cry baby nor a hopeless pessimist but rather an optimist and makes the best use of what he has.

Principle XXV: A Triskelion is a warrior.

Principle XXVI: Triskelion’s Goal: World domination through Excellence.

(We’ll rule the world.)

With the help of God, we live by these values.

Forged: July 4, 2008
Boston, Massachusetts Rolly Zamora Batch Merlin-1976 UP Diliman


We decide, we know the right to wrong
and life is a matter of choice. When you think that you can you're right.
And If you think that you cannot you're also right.

ILAYA CHAPTER 03'-PLP (Pasay) 05'

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